Welcome to
BioPhysics & BioMedical Engineering Research Group
About Principle Investigator

Dr. Sharad Gupta, Ph.D.
Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Khandwa Road, Simrol, Indore, MP, India.
Ph.D., Physics, IIT Kanpur
M.Sc., Physics, IIT Roorkee
B.Sc., Physics and Mathematics, MJP Rohilkhand University
E-mail: shgupta@iiti.ac.in
Other Link: Google Citation
Academic Appointments:
Professor, Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering, IIT Indore, India. (2024- Present)
Associate Professor, Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering IIT Indore, India. (2019- 2024)
Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology Jawaharlal Nehru University (January 2021-September 2021), On-lien
Assistant Professor, Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering IIT Indore, India. (2013- 2019)
Assistant Project Scientist, Physics & Astronomy University of California Riverside(2012 - 2013)
Assistant Project Scientist, Bioengineering University of California Riverside(2011 - 2012)
Academic Coordinator and Lecturer, Bioengineering University of California Riverside(2008 - 2011)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Tufts University (2006 - 2008)
Visiting Research Associate, Biosystems KAIST, South Korea (2005 - 2006)
Awards and Honors:
Department of Science & Technology, India and Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (DST-ICTP-2004) Fellowship: To attend the college on Medical Physics in Trieste, Italy.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-2002) Travel Grant award: To present the research work at SPIE conference in San Jose, California, USA.
SPIE student travel grant award (2002).
Research Interest:
Near infrared medical imaging.
Targeted drug delivery
Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering
Photothermal and Photodynamic Therapy
Raman Spectroscopy